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Old June 6th 19, 01:14 PM posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 401
Default Protecting yourself

On 06/06/2019 6:03 a.m., Duane wrote:
Jeff Liebermann wrote:
On Thu, 06 Jun 2019 06:32:57 +0700, John B.

Somewhere on the net a guy wrote that "back in the day" a driver had a
wheel, a gear shift and three pedals and one switch on the floor and
had to be at least minimally alert to handle all this. Now with cruise
control the drive has only the wheel and this can spend more time on
other things like day-dreaming, sleeping or messing about with a hand

I wonder whether he may not have been correct?

Does that decode into; I wonder whether he may have been incorrect?

Something else to wonder about is why public safety, transportation
services, ham radio, CB, and other 2way radio users have been driving
around talking on their radios for about a century without much of a
problem. I didn't see any mention of distracted driving until the
advent of cell phones (and LCD touch screens). So, what's the
difference between cell phones and 2way radio?

Cell phones are full duplex while mobile radios are half duplex. Full
duplex means the one talk and hear at the same time. Half duplex
means the radio can transmit or receive but not both at the same time.
The human brain can multitask two tasks at the same time with minimal
confusion (not zero confusion). It can deal with operating the
vehicle while listening to the radio. Or, it can deal with operating
the vehicle while talking on the radio. However, it cannot deal with
operating the vehicle while talking and listening at the same time.
Three tasks are too much to handle.

You can listen or talk on a radio without looking at it. Same with a
phone. Especially if you have some hands free device as most cars do now.

But you can’t text without looking at it.

Well actually you can send text by voice using Siri on iPhone and
there's probably some app that reads it.

To fix the problem, switch the cell phone from full duplex to half
duplex and require the driver to depress a PTT (push to talk) switch
while talking. This has the added bonus of giving the driver a rest
while he listens to whatever the other party is saying, much like the
common AM/FM/CD/USB player. In effect, make the car kit cell phone
operate like a 2way radio and it might reduce distracted driving
accidents. It won't reduce them to zero, but it will be a big help.


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