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OFF TOPIC FUN - The TROLL, Rear-ended

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Old April 6th 08, 04:37 AM posted to alt.rec.bicycles.recumbent,rec.bicycles.misc,rec.bicycles.tech,rec.bicycles.soc,alt.mountain-bike
external usenet poster
Posts: 3,754
Default After a LOT of thought......

On Apr 5, 9:23 pm, Mike Vandeman wrote:
On Sat, 5 Apr 2008 16:43:40 -0700 (PDT), JimmyMac

On Apr 4, 7:15 pm, Mike Vandeman wrote:
On Fri, 4 Apr 2008 15:30:45 -0700 (PDT), JimmyMac

On Apr 4, 3:14 pm, Mike Vandeman wrote:
On Fri, 4 Apr 2008 12:33:37 -0700 (PDT), JimmyMac

On Apr 3, 10:56 pm, Mike Vandeman wrote:
On Thu, 3 Apr 2008 06:22:44 -0700 (PDT), JimmyMac

Your repetitive gushy affection for Ed is telling and embarrassing.
Haven't you got a pipe dream habitat to work on? Perhaps you and
Dolan can get a group rate from a therapist.

All you need to worry about is explaining why you deliberately LIED
being an incorrigible LIAR isn't sufficient explanation):

Who is the liar here if the vague pronoun reference is to me to imply
that I posted this.

Sorry, I didn't read the name carefully. It was Walter Skrzypek
. You lie about OTHER things.

Not a revelation really ... being two of a kind,

See, there's a lie.

Pray tell where?

In denial? "being two of a kind"

Don't over-exert yourself. Characteristic of the beast ... one-liner
Mike is a man of few words ... word that reflect how his cerebral
shortcomings. Two of a kind? Many here have made the observation
that you and Dolan are two of a king. I merely echoed the sentiment
of the many. I trust that I spelled that out in such a way that it
did not escape your poor powers of perception.

like Ed Dolan you

made an uncorroborated assertion.

No, more like a typo. I know you didn't say that.

Care to substantiate your

allegation with a few examples of these alleged OTHER things that I
have lied about

See above. See how easy you guys are?

See what above. Care to be more specific?

or when challenged to do so will you choose to emulateEd Dolan and either go mute or offer up a diversion?

How will your good bud overlook your atrocious formatting in your

I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to
humans ("pure habitat"). Want to help? (I spent the previous 8
years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)

Please don't put a cell phone next to any part of your body that you are fond of!


I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to
humans ("pure habitat"). Want to help?

Since you asked ... No!

(I spent the previous 8
years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)

Goodie ... goodie for you

Please don't put a cell phone next to any part of your body that you are fond of!


I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to
humans ("pure habitat"). Want to help? (I spent the previous 8
years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)

Please don't put a cell phone next to any part of your body that you are fond of!


Old April 6th 08, 04:41 AM posted to alt.rec.bicycles.recumbent,rec.bicycles.misc,rec.bicycles.tech,rec.bicycles.soc,alt.mountain-bike
external usenet poster
Posts: 3,754
Default After a LOT of thought......

On Apr 5, 8:05 pm, "Edward Dolan" wrote:
"JimmyMac" wrote in message


or when challenged to do so will you choose to emulateEd Dolan and
either go mute or offer up a diversion?

How will your good bud overlook your atrocious formatting in your

The Great Mike Vandeman treats idiots like idiots and gives them no quarter.
A one word reply is all that a fool like JimmyMac ever deserves. "Duh" would
be a classic choice which I have seen Mr. Vandeman use in the past on
various mountain bikers.

The Great Ed Dolan, on the other hand, is too kind by far. I show mercy
(part of my Saintliness) and consequently am bothered eternally by fools,
idiots, morons and imbeciles. I attract them to my presence like a dog
attracts fleas. They are pesky but otherwise harmless. That is ever their
fate. If only they would occasionally post something that we could laugh at,
but so far only Harry Brogan of ARBR manages to do that. More posts about
toothpaste, Harry!

When responding to JimmyMac I now give him my "****ing regards" since I no
longer regard him as a decent human being. He is a detestable weasel of a
stalker who resorts to sexual innuendo, always the last resort of a
scoundrel. However, this post is not strictly for him, so ...

Whic two faced Dolan am I to believe. You wrote ... "Jim McNamara,
you are my perennial stalker. How would I ever get though the week
without you here to remind me of what a jackass I am."

A stalker has a solitary virtue that Ed Dolan, the equal opportunity
offender, lacks ... singularity of focus. On ARBR, only two people
have ever been spared by Ed Dolan ... Mike Vandeman and anyone whom Ed
Dolan has not yet encountered. It is most peculiar how the doddering
old dolt contends (read imagines) that everyone else has one problem
or another. Ed Dolan is lacking of foresight. He fails to recognize
that he is the common denominator. Ed Dolan should wear button a
emblazoned ... Ask me about my hobby ... the propensity to antagonize
complete strangers. - Jim McNamara


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

Old April 6th 08, 08:28 PM posted to alt.rec.bicycles.recumbent,rec.bicycles.misc,rec.bicycles.tech,rec.bicycles.soc,alt.mountain-bike
Edward Dolan
external usenet poster
Posts: 14,212
Default After a LOT of thought......

"JimmyMac" wrote in message
On Apr 5, 8:05 pm, "Edward Dolan" wrote:
"JimmyMac" wrote in message


or when challenged to do so will you choose to emulateEd Dolan and
either go mute or offer up a diversion?

How will your good bud overlook your atrocious formatting in your

The Great Mike Vandeman treats idiots like idiots and gives them no
A one word reply is all that a fool like JimmyMac ever deserves. "Duh"
be a classic choice which I have seen Mr. Vandeman use in the past on
various mountain bikers.

The Great Ed Dolan, on the other hand, is too kind by far. I show mercy
(part of my Saintliness) and consequently am bothered eternally by fools,
idiots, morons and imbeciles. I attract them to my presence like a dog
attracts fleas. They are pesky but otherwise harmless. That is ever their
fate. If only they would occasionally post something that we could laugh
but so far only Harry Brogan of ARBR manages to do that. More posts about
toothpaste, Harry!

When responding to JimmyMac I now give him my "****ing regards" since I
longer regard him as a decent human being. He is a detestable weasel of a
stalker who resorts to sexual innuendo, always the last resort of a
scoundrel. However, this post is not strictly for him, so ...

Whic two faced Dolan am I to believe. You wrote ... "Jim McNamara,
you are my perennial stalker. How would I ever get though the week
without you here to remind me of what a jackass I am."

You have degenerated to the pitiful slob we see before us today - a stalker
who resorts to sexual innuendo. How low can one get!
A stalker has a solitary virtue that Ed Dolan, the equal opportunity
offender, lacks ... singularity of focus. On ARBR, only two people
have ever been spared by Ed Dolan ... Mike Vandeman and anyone whom Ed
Dolan has not yet encountered. It is most peculiar how the doddering
old dolt contends (read imagines) that everyone else has one problem
or another. Ed Dolan is lacking of foresight. He fails to recognize
that he is the common denominator. Ed Dolan should wear button a
emblazoned ... Ask me about my hobby ... the propensity to antagonize
complete strangers. - Jim McNamara

Harry Brogan is a good example of the kind of idiots who infest ARBR. He
comes to the group with prejudices already formed based on previous posts
having nothing to do with him. He never even gave himself a chance. He
starts off be by announcing that he has kill-filed me and then proceeds to
call me names. What else do I ever have to know about such scum? Everything
is tit for tat with me. Behave yourself and I will too.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

Old April 6th 08, 08:56 PM posted to alt.rec.bicycles.recumbent,rec.bicycles.misc,rec.bicycles.tech,rec.bicycles.soc,alt.mountain-bike
Edward Dolan
external usenet poster
Posts: 14,212
Default After a LOT of thought......

"JimmyMac" wrote in message
On Apr 5, 9:23 pm, Mike Vandeman wrote:
On Sat, 5 Apr 2008 16:43:40 -0700 (PDT), JimmyMac


See, there's a lie.

Pray tell where?

In denial? "being two of a kind"

Don't over-exert yourself. Characteristic of the beast ... one-liner
Mike is a man of few words ... word that reflect how his cerebral
shortcomings. Two of a kind? Many here have made the observation
that you and Dolan are two of a kind. I merely echoed the sentiment
of the many. I trust that I spelled that out in such a way that it
did not escape your poor powers of perception.

JimmyMac is a man of many words, but they never add up to anything. They
didn't with Ed Gin (when the two of them were having their spat on Usenet
some years ago) and they don't today when he has become a stalker who
resorts to sexual innuendo, ever the last refuge of a scoundrel. Poor
JimmyMac is in over his head and hasn't a clue about how to handle anyone
other than to go on and on with a lot of meaningless insinuations and
accusations hoping to exhaust his adversaries from the sheer exasperation of
it all. He is more to be pitied than condemned. I really feel for his poor,
long-suffering wife!

****ing Regards,

Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

Old April 7th 08, 02:56 AM posted to alt.rec.bicycles.recumbent,rec.bicycles.misc,rec.bicycles.tech,rec.bicycles.soc,alt.mountain-bike
external usenet poster
Posts: 3,754
Default After a LOT of thought......

On Apr 6, 2:28 pm, "Edward Dolan" wrote:
"JimmyMac" wrote in message


On Apr 5, 8:05 pm, "Edward Dolan" wrote:
"JimmyMac" wrote in message


or when challenged to do so will you choose to emulateEd Dolan and
either go mute or offer up a diversion?

How will your good bud overlook your atrocious formatting in your

The Great Mike Vandeman treats idiots like idiots and gives them no
A one word reply is all that a fool like JimmyMac ever deserves. "Duh"
be a classic choice which I have seen Mr. Vandeman use in the past on
various mountain bikers.

The Great Ed Dolan, on the other hand, is too kind by far. I show mercy
(part of my Saintliness) and consequently am bothered eternally by fools,
idiots, morons and imbeciles. I attract them to my presence like a dog
attracts fleas. They are pesky but otherwise harmless. That is ever their
fate. If only they would occasionally post something that we could laugh
but so far only Harry Brogan of ARBR manages to do that. More posts about
toothpaste, Harry!

When responding to JimmyMac I now give him my "****ing regards" since I
longer regard him as a decent human being. He is a detestable weasel of a
stalker who resorts to sexual innuendo, always the last resort of a
scoundrel. However, this post is not strictly for him, so ...

Whic two faced Dolan am I to believe. You wrote ... "Jim McNamara,
you are my perennial stalker. How would I ever get though the week
without you here to remind me of what a jackass I am."

You have degenerated to the pitiful slob we see before us today - a stalker
who resorts to sexual innuendo. How low can one get!

A stalker has a solitary virtue that Ed Dolan, the equal opportunity
offender, lacks ... singularity of focus. On ARBR, only two people
have ever been spared by Ed Dolan ... Mike Vandeman and anyone whom Ed
Dolan has not yet encountered. It is most peculiar how the doddering
old dolt contends (read imagines) that everyone else has one problem
or another. Ed Dolan is lacking of foresight. He fails to recognize
that he is the common denominator. Ed Dolan should wear button a
emblazoned ... Ask me about my hobby ... the propensity to antagonize
complete strangers. - Jim McNamara

Harry Brogan is a good example of the kind of idiots who infest ARBR. He
comes to the group with prejudices already formed based on previous posts
having nothing to do with him. He never even gave himself a chance. He
starts off be by announcing that he has kill-filed me and then proceeds to
call me names. What else do I ever have to know about such scum? Everything
is tit for tat with me. Behave yourself and I will too.

Oh, Teflon man, this has what to do with what I said above. Harry
Brogan was not the topic of conversation. Are you having trouble
saying focused?


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

Old April 7th 08, 03:09 AM posted to alt.rec.bicycles.recumbent,rec.bicycles.misc,rec.bicycles.tech,rec.bicycles.soc,alt.mountain-bike
external usenet poster
Posts: 3,754
Default After a LOT of thought......

On Apr 6, 2:56 pm, "Edward Dolan" wrote:
"JimmyMac" wrote in message

... On Apr 5, 9:23 pm, Mike Vandeman wrote:
On Sat, 5 Apr 2008 16:43:40 -0700 (PDT), JimmyMac


See, there's a lie.

Pray tell where?

In denial? "being two of a kind"

Don't over-exert yourself. Characteristic of the beast ... one-liner
Mike is a man of few words ... word that reflect how his cerebral
shortcomings. Two of a kind? Many here have made the observation
that you and Dolan are two of a kind. I merely echoed the sentiment
of the many. I trust that I spelled that out in such a way that it
did not escape your poor powers of perception.

JimmyMac is a man of many words, but they never add up to anything. They
didn't with Ed Gin (when the two of them were having their spat on Usenet
some years ago) and they don't today when he has become a stalker who
resorts to sexual innuendo, ever the last refuge of a scoundrel. Poor
JimmyMac is in over his head and hasn't a clue about how to handle anyone
other than to go on and on with a lot of meaningless insinuations and
accusations hoping to exhaust his adversaries from the sheer exasperation of
it all. He is more to be pitied than condemned. I really feel for his poor,
long-suffering wife!

I was speaking (writing) to Mike not to you, but customarily you tow
come to each others defense the only two who consistently do so I
might add. Could that possibly be the source of insinuation? Count
the words and you will note that your response exceeded comments.
Even Mike could have surpassed your incoherent babble with one of his
one-liners. Continuing to refer to my wife as long-suffering dosen't
make her so. Repeating something makes it no more true or valid than
with the first fallacious uternace, but hey repetition ad nauseum is
the best you can manage to muster, so I understand, but why accuse me
of hoping to exhaust an adversary from the sheer exasperation? That
is you specialty. No one will ever accuse you of being reasonable or
even rational ... well maybe M.V.

****ing Regards,

Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

Old April 7th 08, 03:12 AM posted to alt.rec.bicycles.recumbent,rec.bicycles.misc,rec.bicycles.tech,rec.bicycles.soc,alt.mountain-bike
external usenet poster
Posts: 3,754
Default After a LOT of thought......

On Apr 6, 2:28 pm, "Edward Dolan" wrote:
"JimmyMac" wrote in message


On Apr 5, 8:05 pm, "Edward Dolan" wrote:
"JimmyMac" wrote in message


or when challenged to do so will you choose to emulateEd Dolan and
either go mute or offer up a diversion?

How will your good bud overlook your atrocious formatting in your

The Great Mike Vandeman treats idiots like idiots and gives them no
A one word reply is all that a fool like JimmyMac ever deserves. "Duh"
be a classic choice which I have seen Mr. Vandeman use in the past on
various mountain bikers.

The Great Ed Dolan, on the other hand, is too kind by far. I show mercy
(part of my Saintliness) and consequently am bothered eternally by fools,
idiots, morons and imbeciles. I attract them to my presence like a dog
attracts fleas. They are pesky but otherwise harmless. That is ever their
fate. If only they would occasionally post something that we could laugh
but so far only Harry Brogan of ARBR manages to do that. More posts about
toothpaste, Harry!

When responding to JimmyMac I now give him my "****ing regards" since I
longer regard him as a decent human being. He is a detestable weasel of a
stalker who resorts to sexual innuendo, always the last resort of a
scoundrel. However, this post is not strictly for him, so ...

Which two faced Dolan am I to believe. You wrote ... "Jim McNamara,
you are my perennial stalker. How would I ever get though the week
without you here to remind me of what a jackass I am."

You have degenerated to the pitiful slob we see before us today - a stalker
who resorts to sexual innuendo. How low can one get!

"Jim McNamara, you are my perennial stalker. How would I ever get
though the week without you here to remind me of what a jackass I
am." ... Ed Dolan

A stalker has a solitary virtue that Ed Dolan, the equal opportunity
offender, lacks ... singularity of focus. On ARBR, only two people
have ever been spared by Ed Dolan ... Mike Vandeman and anyone whom Ed
Dolan has not yet encountered. It is most peculiar how the doddering
old dolt contends (read imagines) that everyone else has one problem
or another. Ed Dolan is lacking of foresight. He fails to recognize
that he is the common denominator. Ed Dolan should wear button a
emblazoned ... Ask me about my hobby ... the propensity to antagonize
complete strangers. - Jim McNamara

Harry Brogan is a good example of the kind of idiots who infest ARBR. He
comes to the group with prejudices already formed based on previous posts
having nothing to do with him. He never even gave himself a chance. He
starts off be by announcing that he has kill-filed me and then proceeds to
call me names. What else do I ever have to know about such scum? Everything
is tit for tat with me. Behave yourself and I will too.


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

Old April 10th 08, 05:02 PM posted to alt.rec.bicycles.recumbent,rec.bicycles.misc,rec.bicycles.tech,rec.bicycles.soc,alt.mountain-bike
external usenet poster
Posts: 3,754
Default After a LOT of thought......

On Apr 5, 8:05 pm, "Edward Dolan" wrote:
"JimmyMac" wrote in message


or when challenged to do so will you choose to emulateEd Dolan and
either go mute or offer up a diversion?

How will your good bud overlook your atrocious formatting in your

The Great Mike Vandeman treats idiots like idiots and gives them no quarter.
A one word reply is all that a fool like JimmyMac ever deserves. "Duh" would
be a classic choice which I have seen Mr. Vandeman use in the past on
various mountain bikers.

One would think then one word replies would be easy to do properly.
TRANSLATION: Yes I will overlook M.V.'s atrocious formatting. What
are buds for?

The Great Ed Dolan, on the other hand, is too kind by far. I show mercy
(part of my Saintliness) and consequently am bothered eternally by fools,
idiots, morons and imbeciles. I attract them to my presence like a dog
attracts fleas. They are pesky but otherwise harmless. That is ever their
fate. If only they would occasionally post something that we could laugh at,
but so far only Harry Brogan of ARBR manages to do that. More posts about
toothpaste, Harry!

When responding to JimmyMac I now give him my "****ing regards" since I no
longer regard him as a decent human being. He is a detestable weasel of a
stalker who resorts to sexual innuendo, always the last resort of a
scoundrel. However, this post is not strictly for him, so ...


Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

Old April 16th 08, 04:29 AM posted to alt.rec.bicycles.recumbent,rec.bicycles.misc,rec.bicycles.tech,rec.bicycles.soc,alt.mountain-bike
Mike Vandeman
external usenet poster
Posts: 4,798
Default After a LOT of thought......

On Sat, 5 Apr 2008 20:37:49 -0700 (PDT), JimmyMac

On Apr 5, 9:23 pm, Mike Vandeman wrote:
On Sat, 5 Apr 2008 16:43:40 -0700 (PDT), JimmyMac

On Apr 4, 7:15 pm, Mike Vandeman wrote:
On Fri, 4 Apr 2008 15:30:45 -0700 (PDT), JimmyMac

On Apr 4, 3:14 pm, Mike Vandeman wrote:
On Fri, 4 Apr 2008 12:33:37 -0700 (PDT), JimmyMac

On Apr 3, 10:56 pm, Mike Vandeman wrote:
On Thu, 3 Apr 2008 06:22:44 -0700 (PDT), JimmyMac

Your repetitive gushy affection for Ed is telling and embarrassing.
Haven't you got a pipe dream habitat to work on? Perhaps you and
Dolan can get a group rate from a therapist.

All you need to worry about is explaining why you deliberately LIED
being an incorrigible LIAR isn't sufficient explanation):

Who is the liar here if the vague pronoun reference is to me to imply
that I posted this.

Sorry, I didn't read the name carefully. It was Walter Skrzypek
. You lie about OTHER things.

Not a revelation really ... being two of a kind,

See, there's a lie.

Pray tell where?

In denial? "being two of a kind"

Don't over-exert yourself. Characteristic of the beast ... one-liner
Mike is a man of few words ... word that reflect how his cerebral
shortcomings. Two of a kind? Many here have made the observation
that you and Dolan are two of a king. I merely echoed the sentiment
of the many.

A lie is a lie, regardless of whether anyone else said it also.

I trust that I spelled that out in such a way that it
did not escape your poor powers of perception.

like Ed Dolan you

made an uncorroborated assertion.

No, more like a typo. I know you didn't say that.

Care to substantiate your

allegation with a few examples of these alleged OTHER things that I
have lied about

See above. See how easy you guys are?

See what above. Care to be more specific?

or when challenged to do so will you choose to emulateEd Dolan and either go mute or offer up a diversion?

How will your good bud overlook your atrocious formatting in your

I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to
humans ("pure habitat"). Want to help? (I spent the previous 8
years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)

Please don't put a cell phone next to any part of your body that you are fond of!


I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to
humans ("pure habitat"). Want to help?

Since you asked ... No!

(I spent the previous 8
years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)

Goodie ... goodie for you

Please don't put a cell phone next to any part of your body that you are fond of!


I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to
humans ("pure habitat"). Want to help? (I spent the previous 8
years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)

Please don't put a cell phone next to any part of your body that you are fond of!


I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to
humans ("pure habitat"). Want to help? (I spent the previous 8
years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)

Please don't put a cell phone next to any part of your body that you are fond of!

Old April 16th 08, 04:31 AM posted to alt.rec.bicycles.recumbent,rec.bicycles.misc,rec.bicycles.tech,rec.bicycles.soc,alt.mountain-bike
Mike Vandeman
external usenet poster
Posts: 4,798
Default After a LOT of thought......

On Sun, 6 Apr 2008 19:09:09 -0700 (PDT), JimmyMac

On Apr 6, 2:56 pm, "Edward Dolan" wrote:
"JimmyMac" wrote in message

... On Apr 5, 9:23 pm, Mike Vandeman wrote:
On Sat, 5 Apr 2008 16:43:40 -0700 (PDT), JimmyMac


See, there's a lie.

Pray tell where?

In denial? "being two of a kind"

Don't over-exert yourself. Characteristic of the beast ... one-liner
Mike is a man of few words ... word that reflect how his cerebral
shortcomings. Two of a kind? Many here have made the observation
that you and Dolan are two of a kind. I merely echoed the sentiment
of the many. I trust that I spelled that out in such a way that it
did not escape your poor powers of perception.

JimmyMac is a man of many words, but they never add up to anything. They
didn't with Ed Gin (when the two of them were having their spat on Usenet
some years ago) and they don't today when he has become a stalker who
resorts to sexual innuendo, ever the last refuge of a scoundrel. Poor
JimmyMac is in over his head and hasn't a clue about how to handle anyone
other than to go on and on with a lot of meaningless insinuations and
accusations hoping to exhaust his adversaries from the sheer exasperation of
it all. He is more to be pitied than condemned. I really feel for his poor,
long-suffering wife!

I was speaking (writing) to Mike not to you, but customarily you tow
come to each others defense the only two who consistently do so I
might add. Could that possibly be the source of insinuation? Count
the words and you will note that your response exceeded comments.
Even Mike could have surpassed your incoherent babble with one of his
one-liners. Continuing to refer to my wife as long-suffering dosen't
make her so. Repeating something makes it no more true or valid than
with the first fallacious uternace, but hey repetition ad nauseum is
the best you can manage to muster, so I understand, but why accuse me
of hoping to exhaust an adversary from the sheer exasperation? That
is you specialty. No one will ever accuse you of being reasonable or
even rational ... well maybe M.V.

Ed is pure poetry. I know you'll never understand that.

****ing Regards,

Ed Dolan the Great - Minnesota
Saint Edward the Great - Order of the Perpetual Sorrows - Minnesota

I am working on creating wildlife habitat that is off-limits to
humans ("pure habitat"). Want to help? (I spent the previous 8
years fighting auto dependence and road construction.)

Please don't put a cell phone next to any part of your body that you are fond of!


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